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Saturday, 12 May 2012

Guild Senior Member : R0yalKriz Rank Captain PVP

Finally our pro player is getting ahead one step to the glory as he now the first one in our guild or maybe the first Malaysian to achieve rank Captain in PVP... Astralnova is proud to have such a pro player in our guild

p/s: his photo will upload later on when he is online

Friday, 11 May 2012

GVG 11/5/2012 with TheSpartaN

On 11/5/2012, our guild member had set up a guild war(unofficial) with TheSpartaN to test our pvp member's skill and to tighten up our friendship with another guild. This is the second GVG after a clean victory on the first war. 

1. Members meeting before the war start. Our leader JUNESZ planned a lot of strategies on how to win the war. 

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Occupational War:Horse Event

Finally, after the event I'm getting my Horse without using extra gold to buy medallion...XD